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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

antelope speed | fastest mammal | fastest animal in the world | Speed of Animals | Mammal Extremes

What is the fastest animal in the world?

It would depend on the race. If there were a flying race, the Spine- tailed Sift would win (106mph). If there were a runnig race, the Cheetah would win (70mph). If there were a swimming race the sailfish would win (20mph). ThePeregrine Falcon is the fasted bird that dives head-first down through the sky. The can travell up to 200mph!

What is the speed of an antelope?

It can run exceptionally fast, being built for maximum predator evasion through running, and is generally accepted to be the fastest land mammal in The New World. The top speed is very hard to measure accurately and varies between individuals; it is variously cited as up to 70 km/h, 72 km/h,or 86 km/h.It is often cited as the second-fastest land animal, second only to the Cheetah.It can however sustain high speeds longer than Cheetahs. It has a very large heart and lungs, and their hair is hollow. Although built for speed, it is a very poor jumper.

Speed of Animals

Animal Speed
Peregrine falcon200.00+
Cheetah 70.00
Pronghorn antelope 61.00
Lion 50.00
Thomson's gazelle 50.00
Wildebeest 50.00
Quarter horse 47.50
Cape hunting dog 45.00
Elk 45.00
Coyote 43.00
Gray fox 42.00
Hyena 40.00
Zebra 40.00
Mongolian wild ass 40.00
Greyhound 39.35
Whippet 35.50
Jackal 35.00
Mule deer 35.00
Rabbit (domestic) 35.00
Giraffe 32.00
Reindeer 32.00
Cat (domestic) 30.00
Grizzly bear 30.00
Wart hog 30.00
White-tailed deer 30.00
Human 27.89
Elephant 25.00
Black mamba snake 20.00
Six-lined race runner 18.00
Squirrel 12.00
Pig (domestic) 11.00
Chicken 9.00
House mouse8.00
Spider (Tegenearia atrica) 1.17
Giant tortoise 0.17
Three-toed sloth 0.15
Garden snail 0.03
Source: Natural History Magazine

Mammal Extremes

  • Fastest mammal (also the fastest land animal): the cheetah (60-70 mph = 97-110 kph)
  • Slowest mammal - the sloth (less than 1 mph, or 2 kph)
  • Biggest mammal, biggest animal that ever lived on Earth - the blue whale
  • Biggest land mammal- the African Elephant
  • Tallest mammal - the giraffe
  • Smallest mammals - the pygmy shrew (weighing 1.2-2.7 gm) and the bumblebee bat (weighing about 2 gm)
  • Loudest mammal - the Blue Whale. The second loudest is the Howler Monkey.
  • Smallest newborns - marsupials (pouched mammals, like the kangaroo)
  • Smelliest mammal - the striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis)
  • The only venomous mammals - duckbilled platypus (males only), several species of shrews, and the Solenodon
Fat - The blue whale has the thickest layer of blubber, but ringed seal pups have the greatest percentage of fat (about 50 %). 

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